
01st-02nd March 2024


Cairo, Egypt


12 Professional Speakers

ABOUT / The African Scientific Week (ASW23)

The African Scientific Week (ASW23) is a Multidisciplinary scientific meeting that gathers leading academicians, scholars and researchers to share their knowledge and new ideas and discuss current development in their respective fields.

5 conferences series in fields of Mathematics, Computer sciences, Physics & Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Geography, Environment, Social Sciences, Psychology, Management & Economy.

The African Scientific Week (ASW23) program includes lectures from our invited keynote speakers, workshops, oral sessions, and excursions. The call for contribution comprehends: short papers and full papers

Download : Abstract Book 

TOPICS / Applied Mathematics, Biological sciences, Chemical sciences, Computer sciences, Geography and Environmental sciences, Management and Economics, Physical and Engineering sciences, Water and Earth sciences & Social sciences and Humanities

  1. Applied Mathematics
    Algebra and Number theory, Analysis and Numerical Analysis, Cryptography, Discrete and Finite Mathematics, Topology, Geometry and Geomathematics, Graph theory, Operations Research and Theory of computation and Algorithms, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling in Environmental Sciences and Mathematical Physics Analysis, Financial Mathematics, Mathematical modeling for Social Sciences, Probability and Statistics, Quantitative Methods and Statistical Modeling.
  2. Biological sciences
    Biosystematics, Ecology, and Evolution, Structural and Functional Biology, Biomedical Science and Natural Bioactive Compounds, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Molecular Modeling, Nanotechnology, Bio-nanotechnology and Bio-material, System & Synthetic Biology and Bioengineering, Biodiversity and Environmental Biology, Plant and Animal Bioscience, Biopharmacy and Biomedical Science, Marine biology, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Delivery, Biochemistry, Toxicology
  3. Chemical sciences
    General Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Nanomaterial and Process Chemistry, Applied Surface sciences, Chemical Education, Computational Chemistry, Textile Chemistry, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry
  4. Computer sciences
    Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Human-Computer Interaction, Big Data, Distributed and Parallel Learning Algorithms and Applications, Cyber Security and Privacy, Network Security, Cryptography, Internet Of Things, Cloud Computing, Web Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Blockchain, Industry 4.0, Supply Chain, Recommender Systems ,Agent-based Systems, Expert Systems and Multi-Agent Systems, Fuzzy logic
    Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Computation Theory,Information Systems, Information management, Decision Making, E-learning, Computational Linguistics, Arabic Languages, Modeling and Simulation
  5. Geography and Environmental sciences
    Economic Geography and Globalization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Land use change and Land degradation, Agricultural geography and sustainable development,Heritage Park, Earth Resources Planning and Sustainability, Geographies of Health Population, Transport Geography, Urban Geography, Regional Planning and Space Management, Geographies of Tourism and Authenticity, Disaster risk reduction and Disaster resilience, Geographic modelling and big data, Geography education, Environmental dynamics, Meteorology and atmospheric pollution, Atmospheric physics, Physical oceanography, Global environmental change and ecosystems management, Climate, climatic changes and Global warming, Carbon capture and storage, Environment impact assessment, Environmental geochemistry, Marine environmental studies, Environmental sustainability, Energy Policy, Pollution, Planning & Management, Waste Recycling, circular economy, Environmental Modeling, Environmental Engineering, Geographical Information Systems, Applied Computer Vision for Environmental Engineering.
  6. Management and Economics
    Business Administration, Public Administration, Enterprises Recourse, Business Ethics, Managerial, Managerial Communication, Organizational Behavior, Economics, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Corporate Strategy, Alternative Management, Business Law, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, Econometrics, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Management Studies, Microeconomics of Competitiveness, E-gov, ICT for organizations, Advertising and Promotions Management, Brand Management, Channel & Sales Force Management, Consumer Behavior & Marketing Research, International Marketing, Training and Development, Employees Behavior, HR, Human Practices.
  7.  Physical and Engineering sciences
    Nuclear, particle physics and Atomic, Advances in Instrumentation and techniques, Applied Physics, Quantum Physics, Astrophysics and Geophysics , Mathematical, Computational Physics and Simulation , Optics and Photonics, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Meteorology and Aerodynamics, Material Science and Nano Materials, Electromagnetism and Micro Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical, Communication and Electronic Engineering, Advanced Motion, Control, Sensors and Actuators, Robotics and Mechatronics, Solar energy, Wind energy, Biomass & Alternative fuel, Antenna and Propagation, Single, Processing, Wireless Communication, Finite and Boundary element Techniques, Networked Modeling and Simulation technology, Parallel and Distributed Computing Simulation, Physical System Simulation
  8. Water and Earth sciences
    Hydrology, hydrogeology and Hydro-geophysics, Urban hydraulics and sanitation, Desalination, Unconventional Water Resources, Integrated Water Resources Management, Water Policy, Regulation, Education and Right to water, Climate change, Natural hazards related to water, ICT for Water Resources, Geomatics and Remote sensing, Modelling and scientific computing, Geostatistics, Machine learning and Big-data, Geology , Geomorphology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geotechnics, Meteorology and Climatology, Carbon sequestration, Mining, mineralogy and Petrology, Palaeontology, Sedimentology, Seismology, Stratigraphy, Soil sciences / Pedology, Structural geology
  9. Social sciences and Humanities
    Sociology, anthropology and ethnic studies, Behavioral and psychological sciences, Gender studies, Communication, languages and linguistics, Criminology, History,Geography, Technologies in education and social sciences ,Islamic and religious studies, Education, e-learning and didactics, Politics, society, and international relations, Sustainable development and green urbanism, Public governance and decision making, Identity, immigration and african studies, Urban studies, Quantitative and Qualitative methods for Social Sciences


  • Abstract and Paper Submission Deadline: 20th December 2023
  • Abstract Acceptance announcement: 1st FEBRUARY 2024
  • Early-registration deadline: 20th FEBRUARY 2024
  • Final Registration deadline: 26th FEBRUARY 2024
  • Conference Days (Virtual): 01st-02nd FEBRUARY 2024
  • Authors must send before deadlines their contributions through the Easychair platform link :
  • Authors should submit an Abstract/Paper/Article in English, carefully check for correct grammar and spelling, addressing one or several of the conference areas or topics. Each abstract/paper/article should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable.
SW2023 has a strong peer review process for all the submitted abstracts and manuscripts. There is a single or double-blinded peer review (regarding the stage of the workflow process), to ensure an independent and transparent process between authors and reviewers.
SW2023 uses iThenticate to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Turnitin software checks content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and a comprehensive article database. SW2023 uses Grammarly to check the manuscripts for Grammar, any manuscript with a high rate of grammar imperfection will be not taken into consideration.
  • All accepted and presented short papers (3-5 pages) or full papers (9-12 pages) will be published in Springer Book Series :
  1. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (Scopus)
  2. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (Scopus)
  3. Sustainable Landscape Planning and Natural Resources Management.
  • All accepted and presented abstract (1 page) will be published in an abstract book with ISBN

Conferences / Of the scientific Week 2023

Organizing Committees / of the scientific Week 2023

Aniss Moumen



Mohamed El Bouhaddioui

Nezha Mejjad




Mohammed ZOUITEN

Lamia Daghor

charaf hajjaj

Regestration fees / of the scientific Week 2023

Abstract (Presentation only)

Ph.D. / Ph.D. Student 50 Euro (500DH)
MAASI Member 30 Euro (300 DH)


Published by Springer - Scopus (4-6 pages)

Ph.D./PhD Student 130 Euro (1300DH)
MAASI Member 100 Euro (1000 DH)


Published by Springer - Scopus (9-12 pages)

Ph.D./PhD Student 200 Euro (2000DH)
MAASI Member 150 Euro (1500 DH)


Workshops 50 Euro (500DH)